Saturday, November 27, 2010

sleeping sleeping nd sleeping

Well when it comes to sleep, it is  the most integral part of our life  . u should have atleast 6-7 hours of sleep daily to be healthy .
When we were small our parents use to teach us ‘Early to bed and early to rise , will keep u healthy nd wise’ .  bt, in present scenario I don’t  think so there is any normal  student  (obviously except some nerds and geeks ) who will sleep  early nd get up early too  except when he or she is left with  no other choice than  to save themselves from their teachers chastise. The consequence of this leads to most of the students sleeping in class. And this act of theirs is  quite justifiable as u can’t expect a person to get up early when he is sleeping late night.
Huh, but what about those who sleep  properly in the night  (full 8 hrs sleep) ,  turning off the alarm clock in the morning , slowly rolling off the bed , somehow go to the bathroom  only to convince themselves in their murk that they should probably lie down for 15 min  more and then 15 min becomes 20 min thn 30 thn 40 and finally they are back asleep.  Huh, u sleep the previous night thinking of so many innovative ideas but finally end up in holding yourself culpable the next morning( actually the next afternoon).
Oversleeping ,so difficult it is to relinquish it. In class u are sitting with ur eyes half shut. Atleast some sensible person when want to sleep will sleep pretending not to sleep . Like keeping the book in front of him and then keeping both his elbows  on the desk and then resting his forehead on the top of the palms with  head bending downwards so as to give the teacher a feel that u r actually studying . or resting the corner of his forehead on one of his palms and holding pen in another hand so as to give a feeling tht u r writing . or u can camouflage yourself by  simply asking  the person in front of u to sit straight upright . But when u do any of these make sure to keep ur mouth shut properly otherwise u can drool on ur books or wherever ur swinging head will lead u.
But when u oversleep then u don’t think of anything . u just sleep unaware of ur surroundings .  It is irresistible. And the style with which u sleep makes u famous too. You sleep sitting straight upright with ur head swirling in air and obviously u becomes the centre of attraction anywhere u go and u become soo famous then even when u r not sleeping people around u will think that actually u r sleeping even when u will shut ur eyes for even 1 second. Let me tell u one anecdote : I still remember my first year , mechanics class , huh, everyday I used to sleep in sirs class(in all classes actually)  though he used to teach soo nicely . He used to see me everday sleeping(I think so ) and in few classes , he even told me to go out and wash my face. Once, after the class got over , he called me outside the class and even asked me is his teaching that boring.huh I felt so rueful that fine morning I got up so fresh . And in every class I was so attentive that day . then came his period . I was sitting and listening , then he gave students 1 problem to solve , then suddenly , huh, sir came to me and said ‘why do you always sleep in my class’ ; suddenly as some thunderstorm  stuck me, I felt the surge of blood gushing through my veins, I was awestruck and I like a innocent and naive kid   answered intuitively ,’ya sir its true, but today I am   not sleeping ‘  (Lhuh such a stupid answer, sir must have thought that except today this girl sleep everyday).

Huh , L I m supposed to write my report bt writing this. This stupid sleep is the hortatory behind this .
Aweeeee,  atleast  nw felling less sleepy ,so lets start afresh.  J


  1. nice one:) I wish I could include this one with few tweaks to my Biography someday with the title "C.L.A.S.S - come late and start sleeping".
